Why do this?

That isn't the real question. 

The real question is: why are you here?

I'm asking as I'm not quite sure myself.

Penguination! (updated 3/12)

Beer! (updated 3/11)

Palindromes! (updated 26/11)

Uploaded 15 Oct 2023


I'm not someone you would meet. I'm very sure I am someone you will never meet. 

But I'm writing this. And taking the time and effort to make it available.

And you are the one who is now taking time to visit and read it. Thank you.

And yes, there will be a lot of penguins. A lot of penguins.

You have been warned.

The best way I can explain this site is that when I finally purchased the domain and wondered what I should use it for, the suggestions I received and felt made the most sense, was 'Talk about topics you enjoy and have an affinity for'. I will stick to that initially, create some pages focusing in on things that I find interesting and I'd like to share or even discuss.

I have decided to just pick a theme and write shorter tracts about the topic. Mostly the items about it that interest me the most.

Pages will be added over time. And probably rewritten if they become too large, or might need to be split.

Obviously, any original content I upload to this site is my intellectual property and should not be used without first clearing it with me and a copyright attribution. Contact me at darth.trad@tuta.io 

This site is provided by Google Domains. The content is being created and uploaded to the Internet via Google Sites. That comes bundled with the domain purchase, which is a big factor in choosing that domain provider. 

Images used on the site are either freely available via wikicommons or from Unsplash, Pexels or Pixabay. Artists and IP owners will be attributed when identified.  

I can be contacted at: darth.trad@tuta.io  or find me on Substack https://substack.com/@darthtrad  Same goes for the increasingly popular mommy blog Wonkette [ https://www.wonkette.com/ ]. If this is you Fuk, get off my fucking website!